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Algarve  Investor
Algarve Investor
Full-time overseas investor
16646  Profile Views

About Me

Spend half my time in England and half my time in Portugal, where I own and let out a number of properties ranging from apartments to villas.

my expertise in the industry

Wouldn't say I was a property expert, but my dealings with the industry in the last two decades have given me a great insight into both the good and bad sides of estate agency. Most people I've met have been professionalism personified, but not all. Which is why I get annoyed by rogue landlords and agents who live up to the greedy estate agent stereotype - it tars everyone with the same brush!

Particularly annoyed by high house prices and the inability of successive governments to build enough new houses. Very keen on innovation and entrepreneurial spirit - estate agency has the tools to lead the way when it comes to new technology (embracing this doesn't mean a rejection of traditional methods!)

Algarve 's Recent Activity

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 08 June 2022 08:16 AM

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 13 January 2022 14:12 PM

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 28 October 2021 14:49 PM

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 29 January 2021 09:47 AM

Algarve  Investor
@Gordon Brown - yes, you're right, I am still bitter. We've all been made poorer (culturally, economically and on the global stage) as a result of Brexit and the thinnest of thin deals agreed in a panic so Boris could say he got Brexit done. We are in no way better off, unless you can point me to some examples. Everything is now much more difficult. Your namesake recognised Brexit for the disaster it was - more should have listened to him. We had a fantastic deal - our own currency, access to the single market and customs union, freedom to live, work and settle in 27 other countries, an opt-out and rebate, part of Erasmus and scientific and cultural institutions. There's plenty of vaccine nationalism at the moment, but it's important to note that many of the programmes were pan-European in nature. Was it perfect? No. Nothing ever is. But it was a damn sight better that what we have now. The first trade deal in history that put up barriers. Rotting fish and meat at borders. Businesses tearing their hair out at all the extra paperwork. Yes, holidays to Europe will be the same - although a couple of years down the line you might need a visa - but don't try and bring anything to or back from Europe without expecting checks. As the Dutch border guards who went viral said, it's because of 'the Brexit'. If you want to live or work in the EU, 10 times more difficult. If you want to retire there, much more difficult. So yes, I will always be bitter about Brexit and how a narrow vote in an advisory referendum took over the country and the political class, while the deal didn't take into account the millions of Remainers or those Leavers who hadn't voted to leave our biggest single trading place and partner. That wasn't on the ballot paper, was it? Maybe you could provide some real-life, tangible benefits to Brexit in the short, medium or even long-term?

From: Algarve Investor 26 January 2021 13:58 PM

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 20 January 2021 10:05 AM

Algarve  Investor

From: Algarve Investor 30 September 2020 12:43 PM

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